Source code for webhook2lambda2sqs.config

The latest version of this package is available at:

Copyright 2016 Jason Antman <> <>

    This file is part of webhook2lambda2sqs, also known as webhook2lambda2sqs.

    webhook2lambda2sqs is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
    it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
    (at your option) any later version.

    webhook2lambda2sqs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    GNU Affero General Public License for more details.

    You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
    along with webhook2lambda2sqs.  If not, see <>.

The Copyright and Authors attributions contained herein may not be removed or
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While not legally required, I sincerely request that anyone who finds
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either as a pull request on GitHub, or to me via email.

Jason Antman <> <>

import logging
import os
from textwrap import dedent

from webhook2lambda2sqs.utils import pretty_json, read_json_file

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class InvalidConfigError(Exception): """Raised for configuration errors""" def __init__(self, message): msg = "Invalid Configuration File: %s" % message self._orig_message = message self.message = msg super(InvalidConfigError, self).__init__(msg)
[docs]class Config(object): _allowed_methods = ['POST', 'GET'] _example = { 'api_gateway_method_settings': { 'metricsEnabled': False, 'loggingLevel': 'OFF', 'dataTraceEnabled': False, 'throttlingBurstLimit': None, 'throttlingRateLimit': None }, 'deployment_stage_name': 'something', 'endpoints': { 'some_resource_path': { 'method': 'POST', 'queues': ['queueName1', 'queueName2'] }, 'other_resource_path': { 'method': 'GET', 'queues': ['queueName2', 'queueName3'] } }, 'logging_level': 'INFO', 'name_suffix': 'something', 'terraform_remote_state': { 'backend': 'backend_name', 'config': { 'option_name': 'option_value' } } } _example_docs = """ Configuration description: api_gateway_method_settings - (optional) Dictionary of API Gateway Method settings to enable. See %s for upstream documentation. Due to a limitation in Terraform (, these settings are applied by this program via the AWS API after Terraform has run; if you use this program to generate Terraform configurations and apply them yourself, these settings will have no effect. The following keys and values are supported: - 'metricsEnabled' - (boolean, default False) whether or not to enable CloudWatch metrics for the API. - 'loggingLevel' - (string, default "OFF") logging level to use for pushing API Gateway logs to CloudWatch Logs. Valid values are "OFF", "ERROR" or "INFO". - 'dataTraceEnabled' - (boolean, default False) whether to enable data trace logging to CloudWatch Logs for the API Gateway. - 'throttlingBurstLimit' - (integer, default None) API Gateway throttling burst limit - see: <%s> Omit to not set this option. - 'throttlingRateLimit' - (double, default None) API Gateway throttling rate limit (requests per second). See: %s Omit to not set this option. deployment_stage_name - (optional) String used as the name for the API Gateway Deployment Stage, which will be the beginning component of the URL path for the API Gateway (i.e. https://<api id> Defaults to "webhook2lambda2sqs". endpoints - dict describing each webhook endpoint to setup in API Gateway. - key is the API Gateway resource name (final component of the URL) - value is a dict with the following keys: - 'method' - HTTP method for API Gateway resource - 'queues' - list of SQS queue names to push request content to logging_level - the Python logging level (constant name) to set for the lambda function. Defaults to INFO. Currently the function only logs at ERROR and DEBUG levels. name_suffix - (optional) by default, all AWS resources will be named "webhook2lambda2sqs"; specify a suffix to add to that name here. terraform_remote_state - (optional) dict of Terraform remote state options. If specified, will call 'terraform remote config' before every terraform command to setup remote state storage. See: Dict keys: - 'backend' - name of the terraform remote state backend to configure - 'config' - dict of backend configuration option name/value pairs """ % ( '<' 'stage/#methodSettings>', '' 'api-gateway-request-throttling.html?icmpid=docs_apigateway_console', '' 'api-gateway-request-throttling.html?icmpid=docs_apigateway_console' ) def __init__(self, path): """ Initialize configuration. :param path: path to configuration file on disk :type path: str """ self.path = path self._config = self._load_config(path) self._validate_config()
[docs] def _validate_config(self): """ Validate configuration file. :raises: RuntimeError """ # while set().issubset() is easier, we want to tell the user the names # of any invalid keys bad_keys = [] for k in self._config.keys(): if k not in self._example.keys(): bad_keys.append(k) if len(bad_keys) > 0: raise InvalidConfigError('Invalid keys: %s' % bad_keys) # endpoints if 'endpoints' not in self._config or len( self._config['endpoints']) < 1: raise InvalidConfigError('configuration must have ' 'at least one endpoint') for ep in self._config['endpoints']: if sorted( self._config['endpoints'][ep].keys() ) != ['method', 'queues']: raise InvalidConfigError('Endpoint %s configuration keys must ' 'be "method" and "queues".' % ep) meth = self._config['endpoints'][ep]['method'] if meth not in self._allowed_methods: raise InvalidConfigError('Endpoint %s method %s not allowed ' '(allowed methods: %s' ')' % (ep, meth, self._allowed_methods)) levels = ['CRITICAL', 'ERROR', 'WARNING', 'INFO', 'DEBUG', 'NOTSET'] if ('logging_level' in self._config and self._config['logging_level'] not in levels): raise InvalidConfigError('logging_level must be one of %s' % levels) """ 'api_gateway_method_settings': { 'throttlingBurstLimit': None, 'throttlingRateLimit': None }, """ if 'api_gateway_method_settings' not in self._config: return ms = self._config['api_gateway_method_settings'] bad_keys = [] for k in ms.keys(): if k not in self._example['api_gateway_method_settings'].keys(): bad_keys.append(k) if len(bad_keys) > 0: raise InvalidConfigError( 'Invalid keys in "api_gateway_method_settings": %s' % bad_keys) if 'metricsEnabled' in ms and ms['metricsEnabled'] not in [True, False]: raise InvalidConfigError( 'api_gateway_method_settings metricsEnabled key must be omitted' ' or a boolean') if ('loggingLevel' in ms and ms['loggingLevel'] not in ['OFF', 'INFO', 'ERROR']): raise InvalidConfigError( 'api_gateway_method_settings loggingLevel must be omitted or ' 'one of "OFF", "INFO" or "ERROR"' ) if ('metricsEnabled' in ms and ms['dataTraceEnabled'] not in [True, False]): raise InvalidConfigError( 'api_gateway_method_settings dataTraceEnabled key must be ' 'omitted or a boolean') if ('throttlingBurstLimit' in ms and ms['throttlingBurstLimit'] is not None): try: assert ms['throttlingBurstLimit'] == int( ms['throttlingBurstLimit']) except (AssertionError, ValueError, TypeError): raise InvalidConfigError( 'api_gateway_method_settings throttlingBurstLimit key must ' 'be omitted, null or an integer' ) if ('throttlingRateLimit' in ms and ms['throttlingRateLimit'] is not None): try: assert ms['throttlingRateLimit'] == float( ms['throttlingRateLimit']) except (AssertionError, ValueError, TypeError): raise InvalidConfigError( 'api_gateway_method_settings throttlingRateLimit key must ' 'be omitted, null or a Number (float/double)' )
[docs] def get(self, key): """ Get the value of the specified configuration key. Return None if the key does not exist in the configuration. :param key: name of config key :type key: str :return: configuration value at specified key :rtype: object """ return self._config.get(key, None)
[docs] def _load_config(self, path): """ Load configuration from JSON :param path: path to the JSON config file :type path: str :return: config dictionary :rtype: dict """ p = os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(path)) logger.debug('Loading configuration from: %s', p) return read_json_file(p)
@property def func_name(self): """ Return what we will name our lambda function. :return: lambda function name :rtype: str """ name = 'webhook2lambda2sqs' if self.get('name_suffix') is not None: name += self.get('name_suffix') return name @property def stage_name(self): """ Return the string to use for our API Gateway Deployment Stage name. :return: API Gateway Deployment Stage name :rtype: str """ name = self.get('deployment_stage_name') if name is None: name = 'webhook2lambda2sqs' return name @property def logging_level(self): """ Return the string name of the logging module level constant to set in the lambda function. :return: logging level constant name :rtype: str """ level = self.get('logging_level') if level is None: level = 'INFO' return level @staticmethod
[docs] def example_config(): """ Return a 2-tuple of example configuration file as a pretty-printed JSON string and documentation about it as a string. :rtype: tuple :returns: 2-tuple of (example config file as pretty-printed JSON string, documentation about it (str)) """ ex = pretty_json(Config._example) return ex, dedent(Config._example_docs)